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    North Carolina

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm late, but Happy Birthday!!!
  2. I would, inevitably, become a master at Spearhead...IF I were to play it.
  3. I do! The resolution is incredible! Really though, it's awesome that you got a new mouse/keyboard. Now, you may want to get some good Dolby 7.1 headphones so you don't get knifed again like last night! ZING!!!!!!!!
  4. It IS, in fact, Cheryl Tweedy.
  5. The America's Army 3 BETA is out for Fileplanet subscribers if anyone's interested. I used to play the original America's Army A LOT, and it was a great tactical FPS for its time. If they do as good a job on this one as they did the first one, with the updates graphics tech & features of current games, it'll be awesome...plus when it's out officially, it'll be FREE. I'm downloading it as we speak, so I'll let you know my first impressions of it when I can, NDA willing.
  6. Oh wow, it does. ...and I did NOT mean it that way.
  7. I really, REALLY want to visit Canada...then I can sample all kinds of things!
  8. Nice! ...and if they don't cave to the pressure from the petition, where do I sign up for someone to ship me down some to try?
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