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Everything posted by Pmosh

  1. Oh yea! I'm gonna get the game as soon as I get my new comp ! Can't wait! I'm getting a new comp just to play this gamee wooot woooot!
  2. eeeeeeeeeeekkk! Terrieffinble!
  3. I'm a little bit late buttt Merry Xmas!!
  4. Now that's gay and I don't wanna go outside!!! EFF THAT!
  5. That's so wrong peeps.... but welcome Napster!
  6. Welcomeeeee Flawless!!!! I hope we game together soon!
  7. o m g ! 20,000+ already?! It was like 3000+ when I signed it last night... crazy!
  8. Oh okay, I apologize! <3 It was supposed to be funny though!
  9. 9 phrases men use~ 1) "Sure. I'll throw the trash out right now." - translates to - "If I remember to throw out the trash during the commercial break, I will do so. If I forget, then you'll have to remind me again. Shhh, runners on first and third, no outs." (Go Yankees) 2) "Is something wrong?" - translates to - "What did i do wrong now? And how long is it going to take for you to figure out how to blame me for whatever it is you're upset about? I don't have all night." 3) "Sure, what do you want to talk about?" - translates to - "I will sit and listen, but I can't promise you that I'll pay attention. You have 3 minutes before the game comes back from commercial break.... annndddddd GO." 4) "No, that doesn't make your butt look big" - translates to - "When you know 'no' is the only answer, why do you ask?" 5) "No, she's not prettier than you" - translates to - "Same as #4. How stupid do you think i am? It's a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer it. Although, I have a feeling you'll let me know anyway." 6) "I'm sorry." - translates to - "I don't know what I'm apologizing for, but it seems to be the only thing that'll let me watch the rest of this darn game." 7) "You're right, I'm wrong." - translates to - "You are angry. I am hungry. You don't cook when you're angry. Soooo..." 8) "Thank you" - translates to - "While you're up cooking, can you make that pie I really like?". 9) "You are beautiful" - translates to - "Now that the game is over, and we're done eating... how about we... you know... (wink wink)." <33
  10. Nuuu It's not entirely true because I don't say whatev... I just say EFF YOU BETCHASS MOTHEREFFER! Told you it was BS! Oh gayness, so gay!
  11. Eff that!!!!!!!!!! You're crazy, this is BS! YOU READ ME! It's BS!!!
  12. Happy Bday Hellz!! Hope you have a fawesome one! <33 ~Wubbu!!
  13. Aww HAPPY late BIRTHDAY MJ!!!! I'm glad you had a fawesome bday gurliee!! <33
  14. Woot woot! Happy B'day Sadik!!!! Hope you had an awesomeeee bday, motherefferrrr!!
  15. muh muh muhtherefferrrrrrrrrr gayness!! effing lupo son of a gitch!! how's working the corner going? did you get my muney ?
  16. Happy happy buuuurthdaaaaaay ghost!!!!!
  17. HAHA it's a thingy!!!!!!!!! I think it was a molly but it can also be a pipe! But dogger's puller just makes no sense at ALL! hahahaha
  18. Haha too funny, good times! <33 Mj
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