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Everything posted by ghost|NDE

  1. Wow, that was really cool! I never thought of an artist like that being in that kind of competition, I like it!
  2. Welcome Warbabe.....one more thing if you have room in your name you should add [DM] to the end for Dirty Mitten representing Michigan baby! So far Me, Detroit, and Brimstone have it...Aqua Moose is too gay to do it
  3. Man In the box is one of the songs in my band's play list
  4. That guy kinda reminds me of the dude from the movie Powder mixed with the Incredible Hulk attitude and hair.
  5. I figured that one out about around the part where the biker did nothing after he saw her naked in the hallway lol
  6. I would have to say yes Pepperson.....High five bro! YAY for Team Dominance! We're on a boat....look at us we're on a boat!
  7. Sorry Goofy but I'm a little on edge as of late and I haven't been much in the joking mood because the joke seems to be me currently...at least in the Spearhead world. I am a respectful person to start with and all I've been putting up with lately is disrespect when I don't deserve it. So yeah, I'm a bit jumpy right now, I apologize.
  8. This is not solving anything....it's just turning into the battle of the sexes and separating the men from the women which is not what we should be doing. We are putting a bigger rift in what we have and not applying first aid to the wounds we are causing....I can tell you one thing Maria....I don't watch baseball hardly ever so don't put me in that category....not all men are insensitive assholes just like all women aren't stuck up bitches....do you see my point?
  9. lol pennies...I tried to buy a pack of cigarettes at a Shell gas station by my house when I was manic the last time with a butt load of change, which was mostly pennies, that were unrolled, and the Caucasian lady behind the counter refused me even though I had enough to get them. She was just too fucking lazy to count, but on the other hand maybe I should have been a bit more considerate by rolling them up, but any way it was a bunch of bullshit as the gas station across the street run by Arabic people gladly took my pennies and gave me my cigarettes.
  10. ghost|NDE

    one more :P

    Fuckin A right man...men and women are equal, and don't think any differently cuz you'll just wind up disappointed.
  11. I've experienced a lot of these so it's not right its not wrong, it is what it is
  12. Perhaps you're right Goofy, but money was once based upon the gold standard where today it's just a promissory note. There's really nothing to back it up so they can print all they like. The Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express, and they need to audit it because they make their own rules pretty much. I believe I heard something where like only 1/3 of all money is paper the rest is virtual it could be more, don't quote me on that. Kinda sad when private banks are taking care of our monetary system.
  13. I would prefer to see a barter system in place actually not communism. If anything call it communalism where if you need something you ask for it and instead of paying for it you exchange the goods or services for something of equal or greater value to the person you ask. The whole premise of Capitalism is evil in nature whereby you are literally capitalizing on someone else and to some the more you capitalize on someone the better and that's just fucking sad. We have 3 percent of the population with all the money just admiring all the zero's in their bank accounts and doing nothing to help the people that need help. Love your neighbors as yourself....that is the key to all of our freedom not take advantage of them in any way you can in the name of making a profit. You only keep what you have by giving it away! Words to live by! P.S. MJ noob, you have much to learn young jedi.
  14. http://www.dubyasays.com/quotes/1?page=2 All I can say is wow!
  15. For the record just looking at Bush and his beady little eyes makes me shake my head and cringe and "Dick" Cheney isn't any better...they're both a couple of crooks in my opinion! They misled the American public and got us into fights for what? To gain control of A. Land B. Resources and C. The spirit of Capitalism=making money. The poor fight the wars the rich people wage and I'm sick of it cuz good people are dying every day for their bullshit! God Bless America Please!
  16. I play almost every day you just gotta be there when I'm there...get xfire and add me if you don't have it yet I'm ndeghost
  17. lol sadik did you spend much time putting that together...that canadian chick does have a sweet ass I must admit!
  18. Hello there girly! Can't wait to pwn you once again in the spearhead server!
  19. MY NEW TRUCK I bought a new GMC Sierra and returned to the dealer yesterday because I couldn't get the radio to work. The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated. 'Nelson,' the salesman said to the radio. The radio replied, 'Ricky or Willie?' 'Willie!' he continued and 'On The Road Again' came from the speakers. Then he said, 'Ray Charles!', and in an instant ' Georgia On My Mind' replaced Willie Nelson. I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I'd say, 'Beethoven,' I'd get beautiful classical music, and if I said, 'Beatles,' I'd get one of their awesome songs. Yesterday, some guy ran a red light and nearly creamed my new truck, but I swerved in time to avoid them. I yelled, 'Ass Hole!' Immediately the radio responded with, "Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States Damn I love this truck......
  20. I enjoyed the fight, never questioned Randy's heart but clearly Nog was superior in every aspect. The guy that gave a round to couture kinda surprised me and I wonder if he was just being nice lol that makes my official record 2/3 beeyatches! I let my boner get in the way of a sound decision in the chick fight! That fight was won in the stare down at the weigh in.
  21. Let me refer you back to a commandment if you believe in those....Thou Shall Not Kill! That goes for wars too! If its done in self defense I'm sure God understands that but not made up wars for power, resources, and land. Keep thinking...P.S. Capitalism = FAIL! Please refer to the U.S. economy for more information.
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