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Everything posted by JustTheZ

  1. Way cool man! Just built one with that case for my friend. Good quality!
  2. Also for same price http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119197
  3. Reuse where you can and that will help you splurge more on the things that matter.
  4. Funny if you type "tcc league is a joke" into google, our forums are the 3rd link
  5. replace ESEA with Sabret replace embedding Bitcoin mining code with being a bitch and replace league's client software with TCC Forums and in real life And ignore everything else and this describe sabret fairly accurate
  6. I'm just glad we're done with that joke
  7. So... I'll probably be on even less now. Just saying.
  8. My question is.... why isn't everyone getting banned if it is a failed update on PB end? If you play with clean configs... do you get banned?
  9. No I'm not. LMFAO yeah I live in Hyde Park, Utah. It is the city above Logan. LMFAO that is funny you found something that I know in real life. I approve of your stalking skills
  10. LOL. I know that family and I've seen that tombstone
  11. Let's kick Mj out of that clan...seriously
  12. This was another sad day in America
  13. We appreciate the kind words and that is great to hear! Another cheater bites the dust! We do strive to provide the best gaming experience for everyone!
  14. If you truly love someone, then you won't care about their past; but if the past comes to present you will protect their future.

  15. Hey Everybody, Anybody that is good with designing stuff and has the creative mindset want to do a signature for me Pretty much has to be cool and have "NDE| |Z|" but cool looking.
  16. I agree with ya. I don't know why people are complaining that much. Every ref is different and they all make different calls. People didn't get pissed when the original refs made shitty calls... they would just it is part of the game. The new refs now are just part of the game.
  17. Man that was a crazy game to be at last night. I was about 100 ft away from that last play. I'm glad I didn't wear a Green Bay jersey . Time to catch my flight
  18. So what you're saying is that you have no reason to suck anymore?
  19. JustTheZ

    Bf3 Server

    Yeah 2 months to be exact dogger...geeze that Seal guy was an idiot for spending money on that....
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