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Soulblighte R

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Everything posted by Soulblighte R

  1. Yeah! We got married August 2015. By the end of it, I think we were more happy to just have had it over with. Weddings are more stressful than they need to be. I'll update my old account and start posting with that one! It's been too long man! Yeah, I still talk with Dennis (33) and Jay (Sicness). Dennis primarily plays WoW, he's also married. Jay just moved to California with his GF from Toronto. They're both doing well. Good to hear from you! Miss those bridge duels! I'll be rolling into TS probably within the coming week. We just moved apartments, so our internet isn't setup yet but once it is, I'll be on!
  2. Seal! Yes! I absolutely remember. Good to see you're still around. I'll be popping in to the TS server at some point. Just moved, so my wife and I are in the process of unpacking and getting things buttoned up. Looking forward to talking to you!
  3. Hello friends, I hope you guys are all well! I've been quietly lurking around the forums from time to time as a guest (forgot my password) to check in on my oldest of friends. I figured it was probably time to make a new account seeing how the email address linked to my old account was my college one, which is most certainly deactivated. Anyhow, I more or less wanted to say hi - it's been a long, long time and I've greatly missed my original crew. Life has a funny way of pulling you back to your past and I've frequently wondered how everyone here has been doing. I have been fiendishly searching for and watching any of our old NDE/KIB tournament and scrimmage videos on youtube for some heavy doses of nostalgia. I'm sure many, if not most won't recognize me, but I used to play MOH when we were KIB, and then when KIB became NDE, and NDE split back to KIB, and then back again. I started playing in the demo server with some guy named Dogger and another fella with a sultry, French-Canadian accent named Sadik. I was 12 or 13 at the time and to put that into perspective, I'm now 28 and married. I remember spending an inordinate amount of time on Malta, having bridge duels, scrimming against KMA and BTK, and having gratuitous amounts of fun. I also remember sending Dogger $20 here and there to help keep the servers going which, I sent in probably the strangest way possible: In birthday cards. I would take a blank birthday card from my mom's office desk, put a 20 in there, and send away. Why would I do this? Fear and paranoia that my parents would discover I've been sending money to some random guy because reasons. I was a weird kid. I spent more time with these guys in my angsty teenage years than anyone else. NDE were the best friends I had, and the only ones I needed. I remember staying up far too late on a school night and having my bedroom invaded by my parents because my furious clicking and laughing woke them up. I have too many good memories to list here, but one that evades me is why I ever left or stopped showing up. I wanted to say hi and thank you, I guess. Thanks for the memories. Thanks for the friendship. Life is bumpy, but when you can return to your past and look fondly on it, the road begins to smooth out. Hello and thanks, Dogger, Sadik, JP, Sneaky, Top Rope, Angelz, Biggy, MJ, and everyone I haven't had the pleasure of meeting (or remembering). I'll be around. -Soul Tom
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